Our primary objective is to provide support to management in tracking and monitoring business activities based on urgent, accurate and specific requirements of customized accounting data. In our work we duly respect and meet the regulatory requirements regarding deadlines and quality. In accordance with specific needs of each phase in your business growth, our accounting department continuously adjusts its role in order to meet your needs in the most rational way

Accounting data should primarily be business management tool for entrepreneurs, and only then the source of information to the environment. Uniforms and drawers are not appropriate solutions - each of our clients, regardless of its’ activities, has its own specific needs. Our approach to clients is therefore individual in order to provide the needed up-to-date, accurate and timely information at any time.

From our extensive experience in working with international and local entrepreneurs from different fields, we understand current needs and ensure that the client has a 24-hour online access to its’ data, as well as provide accounting services with controlled access to client databases so that clients can always rely on our support and availability.


  • Business records establishment and keeping up to date 
  • Auxiliary records establishment and keeping up to date 
  • Maintenance of tax records and calculation of value added tax
  • Consultation of clients regarding the correct recording of business changes
  • Creating accounting policies
  • Composition (preparation or assistance in preparation) of annual financial statements
  • Statistical reporting (Tax Administration, Croatian National Bank, Croatian Financial Agency)

Payroll accounting

In the area of salary calculation and payroll accounting, we can offer individual advice on all matters relating to income tax, social security and pension insurance. This area is subject to constant legal changes and it is important to have a clever and up-to-date partner who will always provide you with timely information. We emphasize the confidentiality of personal information, and our job is professional, accurate collection and processing of payroll data. 

The payroll area, according to the specifics and needs of the client, includes:

  • Calculation of income from paid employment 
  • Calculation of entrepreneurial salaries 
  • Calculation of benefit in kind 
  • Calculation of other income and authorial fees 
  • Calculation of income from capital
  • Calculation of income based on court verdicts 
  • Annual calculation of tax and surtax
  • SEPA files for income payment
  • Reporting of competent institutions about payments made
  • Reimbursement of sick leave (Croatian Institute for Health Insurance)
  • Support for recruiting staff (application to Croatian Pension Insurance Institute and Institute for Health Insurance) 
  • Counselling on the implementation of incentive measures by the Croatian Employment Service 

Management reporting

According to the needs of our clients, we create weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports in standard formats or in the client’s reporting format. Our reports and analyses are the basis for making business decisions, and reporting areas include:

  • Composing weekly / monthly / quarterly and annual reports to clients
  • Controlling 
  • Support to auditors of the company 
  • Support to Management Board when reporting to Owners 
  • Daily monitoring of company liquidity 

Other services

We listen to the pulse of our clients every day to keep pace with the market. Among other services we point out:

  • Education of employees
  • Assignment of staff upon client’s request
  • Implementation of accounting processes
  • Support upon company establishment, including registration by the competent institutions
  • Registration of foreign companies for VAT purposes
  • Implementation of liquidation procedures and providing liquidator services
  • Payment transaction management, according to client’s requirements and needs
  • Invoice issuing services
  • Business address rental 

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